Thursday, October 14, 2010

B & B Bazaar

Have you ever wandered through the B&B's of El Dorado County and thought, "I love this- I wonder where they got it- and can I get one?" Well, now's your chance! The B&B's of El Dorado County are hosting a Bazaar where we will have gently used items from our Inns up for sale... Come check it out on November 6th from 8:00-4:00 and November 7th from 10:00-3:00 at the Davies Famiy Inn, 3700 Fort Jim Rd. Placerville, Ca 95667. We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Wedding Library!

Bella Vista Just Joined My Wedding Library! Check it out... and if you were married here or know someone that was married here, a review would be greatly appreciated!